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奖助金 are awarded on the basis of academic achievement/requirements and demonstrated financial need and are typically nonrepayable. UWF encourages students to initially seek non-loan financial aid options such as 奖助金 and/or scholarships if eligibility exists.


Your UWF aid package is a combination of awards depending on your academic standing, 年级水平, 居留权, 依赖状态, 出席费用和经济需要. 经济援助计划包括奖学金, 奖助金, 贷款, and work-study that are all part of what makes a UWF education affordable.

格兰特 是不可偿还的援助(除非, 例如, 你退学了,还欠钱, or you receive a 教 Grant and don’t complete your service obligation), and is awarded on the basis of academic achievement/requirements and demonstrated financial need. UWF offers a wide range of 奖助金 that are awarded to new and continuing students.

See below for the 奖助金 that are offered by UWF and qualifying criteria. 


成本计算器 is designed to help you estimate your financial aid options for ag娱乐官网. 的 average time to complete a full estimate is between 3-5 minutes. 当你需要帮助时,请随时与你的 ag娱乐官网顾问 或联系本科ag娱乐官网办公室 admissions@bjchengyue.com or 850.474.2230.

联邦佩尔助学金 are awarded to undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need and have not already earned a bachelor’s degree. Schools use the information from the FAFSA to determine a student’s eligibility and how much the student is eligible to receive. A new FAFSA must be completed each academic year in order to determine eligibility for a 佩尔助学金 award. Amounts can change yearly and are dependent on enrollment status.

  • 7月1日生效, 2012, Congress implemented a lifetime eligibility limit for receipt of a 佩尔助学金. 欲了解更多详情,请访问 studentaid.政府.

联邦补充教育机会补助金 (FSEOG) are awarded to undergraduate students enrolled at least half-time (6 undergraduate hours) who display exceptional financial need and have not already earned a bachelor’s degree. Schools use the information from the FAFSA to determine a student’s eligibility and how much the student is eligible to receive. A new FAFSA must be completed each academic year in order to determine eligibility for a FSEOG award. Amounts can change yearly and are dependent on enrollment status.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education 奖助金 () are different from other federal student 奖助金 because it requires a student to agree to complete a teaching service obligation as a condition for receiving the 格兰特, and if the student does not complete the service obligation, the 教 Grant will be converted to a loan that must be repaid, 有兴趣地.

Students must apply for the 教 Grant through their department within the 教育学院. 的 department will inform the 金融援助 Office of who qualities for this award.

佛罗里达州学生援助补助金(FSAG) is a need-based 格兰特 program available to degree-seeking, 佛罗里达州居民, undergraduate students who have not already earned a bachelor’s degree. A new FAFSA must be completed each academic year in order to determine eligibility for a FSAG award. Awards are available to a limited number of students who demonstrate substantial financial need. 金额可以每年变化(下降) and spring) and are dependent on being enrolled at least half-time (6 undergraduate hours).


第一代配对奖助金 (FGMG) is a need-based 格兰特 program available to degree-seeking, 佛罗里达州居民, undergraduate students who have not already earned a bachelor’s degree. A student is considered "first generation" if neither of the student's parents earned a college degree at the bachelor's level or higher. A student who regularly resided with and received support from only one parent who did not earn a bachelor's degree could also be eligible. A new FAFSA must be completed each academic year in order to determine eligibility for an FGMG award. Awards are available to a limited number of students who demonstrate substantial financial need. 金额可以每年变化(下降) and spring) and are dependent on being enrolled at least half-time (6 undergraduate hours).

UWF教育提升补助金 is an institutional 格兰特 awarded by the Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金 to out of state students who have not already earned a bachelor’s degree. A new FAFSA must be completed each academic year in order to determine eligibility. Awards are available to a limited number of students who demonstrate substantial financial need. 金额可以每年变化(下降) and spring) and are dependent on being enrolled at least half-time (6 undergraduate hours).

UWF财政援助补助金 is an institutional 格兰特 awarded by the Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金 to students who have not already earned a bachelor’s degree. A new FAFSA must be completed each academic year in order to determine eligibility. Awards are available to a limited number of students who demonstrate substantial financial need. 金额可以每年变化(下降) and spring) and are dependent on being enrolled at least half-time (6 undergraduate hours).

UWF研究生助学金 is an institutional 格兰特 awarded by the academic department to graduate students who have not already earned a graduate degree. A new FAFSA must be completed each academic year in order to determine eligibility. Awards are available to a limited number of students who demonstrate financial need. 金额可以每年变化(下降), spring and summer) and are dependent on being enrolled full-time (6 graduate level hours).

UWF紧急补助金 is an institutional 格兰特 that may be available to students experiencing an emergency circumstance. 这是一次300美元的奖励. Students may apply for the 紧急拨款 via the 紧急拨款 Form in MyUWF. 为了获得资格, students must provide supporting documentation of their emergency circumstance and meet the following eligibility criteria:

1. Must have a FAFSA on file for the current academic year 
2. 必须至少注册一半时间吗 
3. Must be an undergraduate student working on your first bachelor’s degree 
4. Must be maintaining 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) 
5. May not exceed your annual 出勤费用 and you must have remaining financial need.